Thursday, September 17, 2009

Seventh day - Sabbath day

On the seventh day God blessed his creations.............

Sixth day - Animals and Mankind

On the sixth day God created animals and then he Created Man and Woman in his own kind to enjoy the fruits of his creation.

Fifth day- Sea creatures and Air Creatures

On the Fifth day God created all Sea creatures to swarm the sea and All birds in the sky and around.

On the fourth day God created light for the day and called it Sun

Then Light for the night time and called them Stars and Moon.

Fourth day- Sun,Moon,Stars

Third day- Land And Vegetation

On third day God created land and seperated the waters from it, made plants which bear friuts and flowers of all kind.

Second day-Sky

Second day god created a dome shape and seperated the void shape water from the rest of it and called it 'Sky'

Creations of God

I have started to help the Pre-kindergarten children in the church, so we decided to draw and show them while the other teachers read the bible stories.
I know I have not done better because i myself is confused aout this to draw; What am I in front of the Great Artist.
this picture shows the First day of 'creation Light' .......